Who else evangelizes to the extent that each and every JW does?
Lots of evangelicals, etc. some groups do it with charity instead of bothering people at home. Hell, the baptist church has almost as many missionaries as the JWs have members! Maybe they're god's org?
What do you think would happen if preaching were made less of a show? Take away pioneer designations, counting hours, etc. you'd see millions of JWs cut back, and millions more quit preaching altogether. Every cult pushes hard on recruitment. That's the only way they stay alive.
a watcher, how is it that god's organization is doing so much preaching, but barely any recruitment? Over half of born in children don't get baptized, and over 100,000 people LEAVE every year. How is this a sign of divine direction and blessing?
Please reply as I've never heard a decent answer to this.